About Us

Allow us to introduce you to Bill Foster, our master woodworker. Each puzzle rocker is meticulously handcrafted in his home woodshop in Gallatin, TN. Bill and his father are the first and second generation Fosters to build puzzle rockers. 

Image of Bill using a table saw.

Nearly 40 years ago they found an old, dilapidated, chair made of interlocking wooden pieces at an auction in Hartsville, TN. As woodworking enthusiasts, they appreciated the craftsmanship and were excited to explore the design.

Over the years they found ways to expand on the initial design and began making puzzle rockers for family, friends, and different business partnerships. They tried different designs, sizes, and even a child size and toy size style! One of the original puzzle rockers is still in use on a family member's porch, and has been a part of family gatherings for over 30 years. In the early 90's Bill obtained the copyright to the name Puzzle Chair. Eventually, life took over and the chair moved to the background for many years. 

Cut to 2017. At a family gathering, Bill's 14 month old granddaughter climbed into the old child size puzzle chair made by her great-grandfather. Seeing the fourth generation Foster in the legacy chair ignited the interest to build them again. As a family, we have revived the dream, and are proud to bring this piece of our family history back to life to share with you. 

Child sitting in a child size puzzle chair

"From Our Family to Yours"